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Stefaan Vermeulen

Born in 1966 in Hasselt, Belgium

Resides and works in Vliermaal and Borgloon, Belgium



1984-1988: Master degree in graphic design, Luca School of Arts, Genk, Belgium

1984-1988: Degree in draughtmanship, SAPK, Genk, Belgium 


Selected solo exhibitions

2014, A Structured Life, Bottelarij, Wellen, Belgium

2015, Greetings from Haspengouw (B), Chocoladefabriek, Tongeren, Belgium

2015, Preview Haspengouw Series, Pand Mani, Tongeren, Belgium

2017, Het groener gras, Cultuurcentrum, Kortessem, Belgium

2018, Mare Nostrum, Karel de Grote Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium

2019, Political Landscapes, De Markthallen, Herk-de-Stad, Belgium

2019, Musica Callada, Cultuurcentrum, Genk, Belgium

2021, The Cosmopolitan C, the Gallery, Genk, Belgium

2022, LAND.WATER.CITIES.SCENERIES.PEOPLE., KdG Campus Zuid, Antwerp, Belgium

2022, The Borgloon Series, Hooghuys van Loon, Borgloon, Belgium

2023, Landmarks, Galerie Lloyd, Ostend, Belgium

2023, Parklife, FOD Werkgelegenheid, Brussels, Belgium


Selected group exhibitions

2008, Canvascollectie, Bozar, Brussels, Belgium

2008, Lokart, Erps-Kwerps, Belgium

2009, Hiernaxxx, Regina Mundi, Genk, Belgium

2018, Grens, the Gallery, Genk, Belgium

2019, Landschappen in Dialoog, the Gallery, Genk, Belgium

2020, Homeless, Mariapark, Sittard, the Netherlands

2022, Uitgestald, De Uitstalling, Genk, Belgium

2023, In medio stat virtus, Dominikanenkerk, Maastricht, the Netherlands

2023, Het DNA van de vrouw, Museum van de vrouw, Echt, the Netherlands

2023, Mare Nostrum 2, Droomland Gen©k, Emile Van Dorenmuseum, Genk, Belgium

2023, De selectie 2023, Kunstenpunt Caré Hasselt, Belgium

2023, Kijk, 3 witte Raven, Ursulakapel, Tongeren, Belgium


Art fairs

2016, Grand Rapids Artprize, G. Ford Presidential Museum, Grand Rapids, USA

2021, ArtPrize, Fountain Street Church, Grand Rapids, USA


Public collections

Emile Van Dorenmuseum, Genk, Belgium

KdG Campus Zuid, Antwerp, Belgium


Press & Publications

Koen Broucke, De verrassende terugkeer van het landschap in de kunst. De Lage Landen N° 2 2021

​Kristof Reulens, Station D’Artistes Genk. Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, 2020


Contact Information

Vermeulen Stefaan

Sint-Amandusstraat 18, 3724 Vliermaal, Belgium

+32 (0) 476 30 31 59

All images © Stefaan Vermeulen

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